Pipe plugs
Temporary shut-off of gas and sewage lines
Pipe plugs are used for the temporary shut-off of gas- and sewage-pipes and are characterised by simple operability and robustness. In addition, they can be used to carry out leak tests according to DIN EN 1610 quickly and easily. All pipe plugs are corrosion-resistant. They are available in a wide variety of designs, such as:
All pipe plugs are corrosion-resistant. They are available in a wide variety of designs, such as:
- with mechanical or pneumatic actuation
- in separate high-pressure versions
- with and without passage
- with chemical-resistant sealing elements
- with one or more sealing elements
- with various clamping screw connections
- with all commercially available connections
- with a push-off plate
Individual solutions are available on customer request. When using pipe plugs, please always ensure that the temporary shut-off measure is secured in accordance with the regulations or pipe plugs must always be secured with stable shoring.