New Städtler + Beck image folder published
The specialists for testing and shut-off technology for sewer and gas lines introduce themselves
Everything at a glance
Städtler + Beck is a medium-sized handicraft company with many years of experience in the development and manufacture of testing and shut-off technology for sewer and gas pipes. As a family business with a long tradition, we are proud to manufacture our products ourselves on site in Speyer and to keep perfecting them. We develop perfect systems and individual solutions “Made in Germany”. This is how we convince customers in Germany and worldwide.
The high safety requirements and the constantly changing regulations in the context of European harmonisation and globalisation pose an enormous challenge. That is why Städtler + Beck not only offers comprehensive advice and support on site, but also takes on a decisive part of your work as the responsible manufacturer in the context of quality assurance. We assess and inspect your gas and duct bladders and systems directly on site. At Städtler + Beck, consulting is not just a service, it is our core business.
Find out more in our new image brochure, which we have just put online! We wish you a pleasant and informative read!